Managing Your CEC
Plan is Simple

Dedicated Account Manager
Your CEC Account Manager is available to assist you with any questions you may have about your CEC vision plan. They can also provide enrollment support, communications materials, plan information, and additional information to support your plan. If you have any questions or needs, please email clientrelations@cecvision.com or your Account Manager directly.

Benefits Managers Portal
CEC's Benefits Manager Portal gives HR users access to update member data (including the ability to enroll, change and terminate members and dependents), to view the monthly invoice, and to update the client's demographic data. Users can also print temporary Member ID cards, request a permanent Member ID card, and check member eligibility and enrollment data via the Benefits Manager portal.
If you need access to the Portal to manage your company's CEC vision plan, please email clientrelations@cecvision.com.
Learn More About Our Vision Plans
Contact UsFind a Provider
Advanced SearchCommunity Eye Care is a wonderful vision care organization with which to do business. They are very efficient in processing claims. All interactions are professional, timely and exact. Their coverage offerings are generous and cost-friendly with a large network of providers and available services to choose from. Our employees are very happy with their association and benefits they receive for a much affordable cost."
Teresa H.
HR Executive